
Today I woke up surprised to find that the evil monthly demon was once again haunting my body. The last week I have been experiencing pregnancy like symptoms and while I knew that it was too early to be pregnancy, I was very hopeful. So when I woke up this morning with cramping and back pain, I was a little bummed. But I proceeded on with my day.

The kids and I joined up with other moms and went to the Houston Zoo. Our first stop was to see the Sea Lion show. This little guy was very talented and was able to imitate other aquatic lifeforms and jump very high. Good Job, Sea Lion.
This is the line of our kiddos watching the Sea Lions. Some of the other kids got bored though and dragged their moms off to other parts of the zoo.

This is my baby and I really have no idea what he is doing with his hands but he loved that the turtle spit and showed Tiffany what the turtle was doing by spitting on her. Boys are so fun.

I have no idea what she is doing either. Somehow she found a rope, wrapped it around the door handle, pulled and pulled, then tried to tie a knot, finally she gave up and played in the water with her friends. I certainly have some odd children.
Naturally, we had to stop to brush the goats. Some of them had goatees and Tiffany made sure that they were beautifully brushed. I half expected the brushes to turn into assault weapons instead Benjamin lovingly brushed the goats and said 'cute goat'.
This poor little guy looked like I felt and it is only May here in Texas.

Tiffany is imitating the monkey behind her and Benjamin is actually posing with her.

Now you would think that this elephant getting a bath would receive all of the children's attention . . .

But they both immediately run to the statue of one instead. Why have the real one when you can have one made of plastic and paint.

Well, at least he is watching the real thing.

We spent four hours at the Zoo slowly baking in the hot sun and had such a wonderful time. The kids did really great which surprised me since we were there for so long in that heat. When we got home I let the kids rest with a TV show and have some ice cream while I retreated to my computer. I am still a little down about not being pregnant, but I am so glad that the kids and I had so much fun at the Zoo. It turned out to be a great day and just what the doctor ordered.

1 Comment:

  1. Kristin Allen said...
    looks like a great day. Don't worry about the pregnancy - the first month of trying is not usually the month of success. Glad you guys had fun at the zoo.

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