
Bad Mommy

Yesterday, we attended a friend's birthday party and had so much fun. We got to play with friends, eat cake and help with presents. At one point, we are playing on the monkey bars and Tiffany asks for me to play with her while I am playing with a baby. I tell her in a minute because mommy never gets to play with babies. She says, "but mommy you never play with me either!" Uh Yeah! While I know that isn't the case, it still gets under my skin as I evaluate every decision I made today. Why do I listen to that crazy girl? So just a little while ago, I came to the computer to check email real quick while the kids played and sure enough the screams begin. Tiffany fell chin first into the fireplace. She is okay but my ego is damaged now. So I am chanting the mantra, "I am not a bad mommy, I am not a bad mommy" while I play on the computer ignoring my children. : )


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