
Looking Back

Here are some of my memorable moments from 2008 and other little tidbits.

Special Moments

This Christmas

Tiffany was so generous with the love she holds inside her during the Christmas season. The first time she let it out was at her school Christmas party where I played the role of party host. The kids were engrossed in their activities and as I was walking around the room, she proudly announced, 'My mom did a great job!' After the party, she told gave me a hug and told me again that I did great and she had alot of fun.

The next was Santa. After the picture, she climbed off Santa's lap, he held her hands and apologized that they didn't have enough time together. She replied, "That's okay Santa, I love you" and then gave him the biggest hug. Santa looked at us as she walked away with a glint in his eye and smile on his face.

There were other moments, sitting curled up with her Grandpa instead of playing with her new toys, thanking everyone for kind gestures, and telling me she loved me during the Nutcracker. She really is a sweetheart . . . most of the time.

Just like me

This year Benny finally showed up and cast off his baby gear. He is now 100% hyperactive crazed boy. He likes to do all the things that boys do . . . hits, pushes, screams, jumps; but what I found interesting is his ability for puzzles. He has been doing 24-36 piece puzzles by himself all year long. Its really fun since I love puzzles so much. He also is able to assemble train tracks which again I love doing with him. I can't wait to see what else he will be able to do.

Writing Group

I always knew that I could write, but until I met my friends in our little writing group; I never knew I would love it so much. Thank you girls!


Tiffany started her new school this year which made me very nervous due to the fact that I would be homeschooling her part time. Yikes! I ended up really loving it and found it interesting to see her learning new things. Part of me wonders about full-time homeschool but for now I will keep my days off just for me.

Favorite Music

David Cook

Ahh! I love David Cook. But I think that I covered that fairly well already.

Family Force Five

We went to see this concert with TobyMac and discovered this band. WOW! They were really good and so energetic. I kept comparing them to Marilyn Manson or Nine Inch Nails but after buying their CD they seem to have more of an eclectic style, but I still love it. They are Christian so its okay to listen.

My Records

Earlier this year, my wonderful husband set up our new entertainment center which was able to hold my record player. For those of you who don't know, a record player is a device that plays records and those are like a large CD. I have been torturing the children to some of my favorites. Life is good.


What does Coffee have to do with music? No I have not lost my mind. At least not completely. After you have placed your order for your Non-Fat Double Mocha Cappuchino with extra foam and are waiting to pay, look down and scan for free Itune downloads. Starbucks picks the best songs and you get them for FREE! Awesome!

Books I Enjoyed


This series didn't interest me before due to its teenage following but now I dream of Edward and what it must be like to be Bella. This is quickly becoming a favorite. Mmmm . . . Edward!

A Long Way Gone

Ishmael Beah was a boy in Sierra Leone when fighting broke out and was pulled into the war as a soldier. He was only 13 and was killing his neighbors. This is a true story written by the boy in the story. It was a wonderful book about his life and how he was rehabilitated.

The Bridges of Madison County

I saw this book for fifty cents and thought, 'What the hell!' But the romance of this book really caught me off guard and I found myself hypnotized by it. I am not one for romance but this book was mesmerizing.

White Oleander

I loved the movie so I thought I would read the book. As usually happens, the book really opens up the characters and makes the story more interesting. Awesome book!

Angels and Demons

The prelude to The DaVinci Code. I was really surprised by how much I liked it. It was full of action, suspense and historical references which ended up teaching me much about history.

My Blogs

When I compare myself to others who blog so well, I don't feel I measure up. However, here are some blogs from my first year of blogging that I am proud of.

Little Boy Blue

Blue Houses

Growing Up

Midnight Walk


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