
We had a wonderful day celebrating the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr as well as this historic moment of our first African-American President. This was too great an opportunity to pass so I decided to make this a teaching moment for my princess. HBO broad casted a live concert to begin the inauguration festivities which turned out perfect because we were both able to enjoy it and she was able to learn about our president and Dr. King. While we were watching the concert (which I had recorded) we started working on our MLK project. I pulled out a poster board, all the scraps of accumulating paper from my crafts and lots of glue. The kids tore up the paper and glue it on until all of the poster board was covered. Then I printed out the word Equality, taught Tiffany what it meant and let her color it then glue it in the center of the poster. Next, we pulled out these paper dolls which just happened to be in various skin tones and glued them into a circle holding hands around Equality. I thought that it looked so awesome that I Modge Podged the entire poster for preservation. I love it and we had our school for the day. She learned about history, current affairs, music styles, art and vocabulary. I got nothing else accomplished but it was more than worth it.


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