
Cookie Confessions

It has been consuming my every waking moment leaving me overflowing with giddiness much like a pimply teenager. Before I confess though, I must address the obvious issue . . . my wonderful husband. I love him more than anything and never would I even dream of other men because he fills my every need and is willing to fill those that are running low. Having said that, I have another guy who has captured my devotion! 2008 American Idol, David Cook! He just released his first video last week and I have probably watched it 3-4 times a day since then. As depeche mode said, I just can't get enough. I didn't start out liking him with his weird haircut but as his talent (and hair) evolved throughout the show, he won me over. His song was released a few weeks ago but it wasn't until I saw the video that I fell in love with it.

Mmmmm . . .

Sorry, I got distracted by his eyes. Shake it off, Kat!

His performance was really good but I have always been a sucker for any good looking rocker who can sing with this quiet intensity. He really is talented and I can't wait to see how his album does in the charts but even if no one likes him, I will always want my Cookie! Hee Hee!

(I still love my hubby more, but it would be cool if he sang me a song like that!)



  1. Jenise said...
    Hey girl
    I finally saw it. I am right there with ya. The t-shirt, the guitar.... yeah it definately does something for me too.
    WWJ said...
    Oh you! I was glad he won Idol, but I could never get on board with that crazy 'do! You enjoy that pimply teenageresque rush, though.
    Kristin Allen said...
    My goodness, I've lost all respect for you.
    Kat said...
    "Keep in mind that no matter how cute and sexy a guy is, there's always some woman somewhere who's sick of him."

    Just found this and it made me laugh after reading all of your comments.

    I will earn your respect again but it won't be anytime soon!

    David Cook Rocks!!!!!

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