
Inspiration Lost

I wanted to write something inspirational about President Obama. But life happened. Just like it always happens and I no longer feel inspirational. I feel frustrated and melancholy with bouts of depression for a little fun. Single mom. That's what I feel like these days with my husband working thirteen hour days, six days a week. This week is worse because after work he has meetings. I pray that Obama can put a happy dent in the economy if only to see my husband for five extra minutes every day.

Yesterday was really bad. It started with a dead fish which lead to my crying daughter that made us late for school. Once at school, I received the news that school is moving thirty minutes away. Lastly, I had to pull my son out of school at which time I started crying to the school director about a dead fish. All within one hour. I think that I may need a drink . . . maybe a piece of Godiva Chocolate Cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory.

Although, the inspiration has left me, I still feel hopeful about the choices we are making as a family and I believe that this horrid phase in our life will soon be over . . . even if I have to burn my husband's company to the ground.

If I had written something on Obama, it would have gone something like this.


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