
Last night's performance of The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe was so wonderful that words escape me. Most dance recitals showcase the individual classes in a series of random acts without any point except to see our babies dancing. This company went above and beyond in creating a performance inside a story. The acting was so wonderful that words truly were not necessary and the dancing was so extraordinary that I often forgot I was watching students in a dance recital. Naturally, the best part were the butterflies which my baby danced beautifully. Now,she may only be four but she really has improved over the last year and I can really see her progressing in the company if she chooses too. The pictures are below, I hope you enjoy them.

Dress Rehearsal

When we arrived the rehearsal hadn't started yet. So after a quick touch of make-up, Tiffany ran up to the stage to play ring around the rosie with her friends. Benjamin saw this and began to cry so I let him go up until the rehearsal started. He cried again when the girls didn't see him ready to play so Tiffany stopped the game and invited him in. Later, she left the group to play ring around the rosie with her brother and they fell down. It was too sweet.

Ring Around The Rosie

I really have no idea!Finale Practice

The Performance

There were actually 3 performances with 3 casts. I volunteered to help with the matinee performance on Saturday before Tiffany's performance that evening. It was fun and great experience however I was so tired when Tiffany arrived at the theater and this sure wasn't helping my cold.

After I got Tiffany's hair and make-up ready, she was able to visit with her friend Lillian who had come to see Tiffany dance. She was so happy that her friend had come to see her. The performance lasted about three hours at which point we were finally able to congratulate our baby. She received flowers from both us and her friend. Afterward, we headed to McDonald's to celebrate. It was a wonderful evening and one I won't soon forget.

1 Comment:

  1. Kristin Allen said...
    Kat - she's so beautiful!!

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