"Once upon a time in a faraway land there was a tiny kingdom, peaceful, prosperous, and rich in romance and tradition.“
––Narration from Cinderella
A glimpse of this land was given to me today. There were princesses in beautiful gowns, fairies with fluttering wings, roaming gypsies, daring pirates and naturally kings and queens. The Renaissance faire was truly an interesting experience. The buildings were very authentic, as were the cobblestones roads and the multitude of performers roaming the streets. Although, I don't really understand how the American Indians fit into the Renaissance but they were fun also. Just misplaced.
They had shows we didn't watch because our two wonderful children are too much like their mother and couldn't sit still. We got to ride an elephant (which was surprising because like the Indian seemed a bit displaced) but at four dollars a person and lasting less than a minute hardly seemed worth it. We rode on this spinning ride which spun you at surprisingly fast speeds that the kids loved but made me nauseous and a giant swing that could seat six people. There were games and other rides but everything was so expensive, which for a family watching their money closely took a bit of fun out of it for us. In retrospect, it would have been much cheaper and more fun without the children but we still had a good time over all. Now for the pictures!
The Streets of the Faire.
William Shakespeare, perhaps working on Hamlet.
You thought I was kidding, didn't you.
The giant swing.
Loving the llama!
Our Princess.
The elephant.
My new favorite picture.
And they all lived happily ever after. Until, the evil brother stole his sister's headdress and laughed, Ha Ha Ha!
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