
On My Mind

This year's election has been thoroughly trampled by our society but I still feel the need to address it. I may not agree with McCain's Iraq plan. I don't know much about economics but Obama's plan doesn't thrill me, I don't think McCain is right about homosexual rights, I don't agree with some of Obama's pro-choice views. But, I truly do believe that they both would do an excellent job as president, regardless of their political stance.

So why is it that I have to receive Obama Hate Mail every time I open my email. It drives me crazy. OK, here it is! I recently received a terrible email from a very, very dear friend of mine and I pray that she does not believe this hype. This email describes past events that were caused by the direct hand of various radical Muslims and naturally the author must continue his nauseating babble with the qualifications for the anti-christ which amazingly enough both fit Barack Obama. It amazes me that people read this and accept it as fact without asking one single question. After simply reading the Left Behind series it is clear to me that Obama can hardly fit the anti-christ profile, except of course for the middle eastern background. The hatred was emanating from this anti-Muslim email which attacked Obama for his father's background as a Muslim, not a radical Muslim, not even a practicing Muslim at that. What has Obama done that is so terrible? He is just another democrat seeking a powerful position with a wife and family just like McCain. If you are curious about the email, I was able to find a paper that displayed the email and gave an excellent response to it. It is lengthy but very interesting.

For the record, I like both candidates, but I am leaning towards Obama strictly because the McCain/Palin team does not invoke much confidence with Palin's lack of experience and McCain's age. I also feel that Obama would listen and take the advice given from his cabinet, where McCain would cowboy up and do what ever he felt was best.

So please go vote and make your choice on the issues and not on vicious rumors. November 4!

1 Comment:

  1. Kristin Allen said...
    I couldn't agree with you more. I really like both candidates and am so shocked and appalled at the crap that circulates around that people actually believe. It makes me wonder about people. I saw the CNN show last night on both McCain and Obama's lives and was really impressed with them both. Of course I don't agree with everything, but on the whole, they're both great candidates.

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