
Precious Words

My mother never showed her love easily but if we watched closely, we could see it.  She was a ghost in my life, visible but barely there.  It wasn't completely her fault though.  Her parents were stern people who were also very guarded with their emotions.  Then after having three children, my dad starts fooling around on her and they divorce.  She moves us to another town where she meets her second husband and has my little sister only to discover that he was so mentally unstable that she had to hire security just to move us out of the house.  Now she had four girls to support by herself.  She worked seventy hours a week to make ends meet and quite often didn't.  I will never understand how hard that must have been for her, how painful, how sad to see us grow up without her involved with our lives.  She somehow maneged to get us involved in piano, girl scouts and other activities and drive us there, also attending special things like my choir performances or my sisters dance recitals.  In all these things, I knew that she loved us.  But she never even whispered those 'I love you' until I had my first baby.  It seems that seeing me as a mother opened her heart to those precious words that I had always wanted to hear.  So for all those unspoken moments I would like to say thank you to my wonderful mother and I love you very much.  I am so glad that God gave you to me.  Happy Mother's Day!


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