
Mean Mama Discipline

I've had enough of fiery red heads full of attitude and fury when their 'needs' are not met to their satisfaction. Not to mention, a hyperactive son who doesn't feel obligated to ask for permission for anything which leaves this mama worried when he is nowhere to be found. So I came up with a delightfully evil plan that made me enjoy my day. As they were watching their movie, I snuck into their room and removed all of their toys. I did allow for a couple of toys for security purposes (I do want them to sleep). Now their room is barren with only a few bits of trash and broken crayons. Here is the evil part. I enjoyed showing them what I had done and took satisfaction from the tears that fell from the devastated princess. Even now, hours later, I feel a sense of joy over it all. I did discuss with them the meaning of respect and how they can demonstrate it, then I showed them that they will get a mark on a chart every time I see an act of respect and will return one toy for every row they can fill. I am not without a heart but I can be one mean mama when I am pushed. Ha Ha Ha!!!


  1. Trudy said...
    Sounds like some awesome parenting to me.
    WWJ said...
    Wow! Mama don't play!
    Kat said...
    Thanks, Trudy! Its great to have encouragement. :)

    I know that's right, Keri!
    Unknown said...
    You crack me up! Good for you!
    Kristin Allen said...
    you go girl!

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