
Artsy Girls

Wednesday was a wonderful day. Benny had school while Tiffany did not. At first, I was distraught because I was really looking forward to my day without the kids. So sad, until I realized that Tiffany and I could have some quality girl time together, so we spent the day at the Museum of Fine Arts with my oil pastels and paper. We wandered the halls talking about some of the things we saw and meeting every single museum employee in existence. Everyone that saw Tiffany had to stop us and say, "Oh my, What a beautiful girl! Such a pretty hat! Such pretty hair!" I was becoming frustrated. But I can't say that I blame them, after all, it must get pretty boring staring at the same old tired picture all day so when a sweet, red-headed girl comes in wearing her 'finest' dress with her orange sunglasses and fluffy pink hat, they can't help but to say something.

After finding the right painting, we sat down and made our own versions using the paper and pastels. The first one was sort of a mystery to me. It was three identical blue birds sitting on different sized columns in the corner of one gallery. They looked like pinatas without legs, beaks or eyes. But I thought it would be perfect for Tiffany to make a picture of.

Perhaps I was wrong. She didn't like what she had drawn so she scribbled over it with various shade of blue. I think I might have seen a piece like hers in the modern area, though.

Here is my version. Simple but the colors make me happy.

We worked on this one together. This is almost identical to the tabletop where we ate our cheeseburgers at. Inspiration comes from the most interesting places.

Here is a picture of the original that Tiffany chose. She loved all the colors in the tree.

This is her version. I love it and more importantly so does she.

Check out the outfit! She's Stylin!

I love this one but I am years away of practice before I can copy this one.

However, I like my tree!


  1. WWJ said...
    What a great idea. I'm inspired by your inspiration to be inspired! I love the bird drawing - very cool. Loved Tiffany's hat, by the way.
    Kristin Allen said...
    Wow - these little art pieces are beautiful. That is a great idea - way to take advantage of a little girl time. And - Tiffany does have gorgeous hair. I've had to talk to Moriah a few times about how we can't grow our hair like Tiffany's.
    Kat said...
    Thanks, guys! I really did have a good time and so did she. I can't wait to do it again!

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